Today, December 11, Mariam Compaoré, our Director of Operations for the Cfpem-Sst Vocational Training Centre and the VIP-AME Burkina SARL Vocational Training Centre for Motorcycles, was awarded the Medal of Honour by the local authorities.
At a time when the country is celebrating its independence and honoring its worthy sons and daughters who have rendered or continue to render service to the Nation, this honorary distinction is recognition of the exemplarity of a young lady whose dedication to work commands admiration in a highly challenging field, especially for women.
Mariam Compaoré, a specialist in mining machinery driver training, operates in a field where women are not so common. Hundreds of young drivers of large mining and public works machinery have passed through her school. Her award of the Medal of Honour is no coincidence.
The Medal of Honor for Local Authorities was awarded on behalf of the President of Faso, Head of State, at a solemn ceremony presided over by the Governor of the Centre region.
Honored by the nation, the distinction also honors the CFPEM-SST, whose intrinsic value is based on the quality of the men and women who continually provide training services to individuals and companies.
On behalf of all the staff and on my own behalf, I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to a highly competent, hard-working employee who can be trusted to achieve results. Through her, I salute the fighting and combative youth who are fighting for a better Burkina Faso.
Long live independence 💪
God bless Burkina Faso! 🇧🇫